Do you feel the change in the air? No, I’m not referring to seasonal weather, I’m talking about the changes occurring around us as well as within us.
Many people are very concerned about the results of the upcoming election and the future, feeling that the results will determine their direction in life. But will the process of casting a vote magically create abundance, happiness and prosperity? Is that what we want, good old empty promises packaged in enchanting visions and words? In my mind, it seems like a childish wish. So, let me walk you through the process; you go and cast your vote like casting a wish. Do you then go back and wait for your wish to come true? It is absurd to believe or expect that a politician or political party would have that much power and would be capable of creating YOUR future that you desire.
I see it differently. I feel that the true voting system is personal. It is rooted in deep values that each individual holds for themselves. New things take time, just like growing apples. You do not plant a sprouting tree and expect a big harvest right away. It takes time as well as a clear vision, determination, persistence, collaboration, co-creation, and a strong heartfelt desire. A desired vision fueled by loving heart energy and focused with integrity, transparency, and truth can sure create magical outcomes.
This manifestation process of casting a vote is very personal, it is done daily, not every four years. Your vote is cast every time you choose to spend your source of energy. For example, let’s consider money as your energy currency for things you value and want more of in your life. So, what do you really value and want in your life? Perhaps you want fresh eggs every morning from the local farmer, or you regularly enjoy a sandwich across the street. You do not want your reliable mechanic to go out of business, so you make sure you tell all your friends about him. You might recognize the value of the ‘golden hands’ and you want to support the local sewing classes or cooking classes as they may hopefully reawaken the need to learn the basic skills. And spending your time with the ones you love also takes some personal sacrifice of time which in essence is also currency (you might have heard the saying ‘time is money’).
Then there is education; that should be the pillar of our empowerment. But education doesn't start in school but in our homes. Educating children about the basics in life is an important part of that strong foundation. Bringing them to nature, observing the natural progression of seasons, planting small gardens, providing them with opportunities to see God's creations in action like observing the growth of plants, watching the activities of ants, bees, dogs, frogs, etc. Expanding their ability to observe nature as you introduce them to trees, rocks, and allowing them to feel, sense, and smell the living, active world around them. That living world is weaving its energy with the child as he/she creates a library of content in the brain. These moments are priceless as they create neural pathways in the developing brain and also ground cellular memory in the body.
Another excellent way to create our future is to enrich a child's development by bridging generations. Our grandparents are living libraries full of content. There already exist settings where daycare is placed in homes for the elderly. Elderly caregivers enjoy the lively interaction between them and the children, and both generations benefit tremendously! There is something about the union of an elder who is not in a hurry to get anywhere and finds purpose in the present moment where she/he exudes patient love with a chatty, curious, and spirited child.
Money is nothing more than a source of energy. The dollar is in essence, an extension of you. Every dollar you decide to invest or spend in a place, business, or institution, carries your personal energy as well. You willingly support where you spend your money. That means that the more money you spend in these selected places, the more they grow in their power. In other words, money = currency = your current energy.
It is important that you do your research and know the intention of these businesses. Research if you resonate with their vision and their values. Do they work with integrity? Are they transparent? Do they willingly share their product and list their ingredients openly, or do they hide behind some special secret formula?
You can see this brings me back to knowledge and education. I am not talking about what you learn in school. I am talking about things you do not learn in school. In school, you learn what to think, not how to think. In school, you learn what they tell you to learn, and to memorize much useless data. Instead, I am talking about gaining knowledge viscerally. I invite you to take that class that you always wanted to take. The internet and your local town have resources to empower you to become the vote yourself! Don’t wait! Take your class on local gardening tips, take a Spanish class, a piano class, volunteer in a hospice, support the local farmers, or teach others a skill you have.
When you invest your money in yourself, you become valuable, and you will become the ‘dividend’ that pays off over a lifetime.
I would love to share a story with you. When I visited Fiji, as much as the island was lovely, I could not help but notice the poverty. I spoke to a man who was actually a local tribesman. He told me he has two lives. One as a landscaper, and the other as a tribal warrior. He shared with me a story:“My mom told me that in order for me to succeed in life, I had to learn perfect English. So, I went to university and became well educated. After receiving a degree in civil engineering, I realized that there was no job for me, so I had to work at odd jobs for resorts. But then, during the Covid lockdown, there was no tourism, and the resorts were closed down. I realized then that my mom was wrong! To be successful, you need life skills and be prepared for the situations that life throws at you. Speaking a foreign language will not make you survive unforeseen situations! Speaking another language is great, but you must learn life skills like gardening, farming, fishing, etc.” I have similar conversations with many people from other countries that I have visited in the last couple of years.
Many of us are awakening to this understanding that standard higher education might not be for everyone. Higher education might not be the only recipe for success. Higher education might not be the source for happiness, abundance, health, and joy. There are many roads that lead to Rome. By choosing your path you cast your vote. By choosing to go another way, perhaps a road less travelled, your decision might pave new ways of existing for future generations. If we explore new ways, we are voting for new blueprints to be created as the old are corroding with inefficient ways of operating.
The key to creating the new world we desire is to step out of the arena of endless polarization and only focus on what you as an individual want to create and experience daily. What do you want your life to be? There is no need to convince others of your new ideas and actions. All you need is to walk the walk and talk the talk. That personal change activates the birth of a new blueprint, of a new existence. The new world will have businesses that will be based not just on the currency of money, but one that places great value on a currency of integrity, transparency, sharing, kindness, compassion, and peaceful coexistence with all living life.
Every day is an opportunity to create a change
Every day you have the opportunity to vote
Vote wisely
Vote for courage
Vote for integrity
Vote for life with peaceful existence
Vote for truth and transparency
Vote for self-empowerment and expansion
Vote for love and kindness.
Vote for UNITY and FREEDOM
With Love,
Lenka Schulze, Ph.D.