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What is an Intuologist?


Intuology is the study and practice of Intuition. And an Intuologist is a person who researches, studies, and/or often teaches Intuition. I coined these words to establish a clear definition of the work I have been doing for years, and I would like to explain why.


Just like anything else around us, words evolve and grow and sometimes disappear from common use, especially if they have a meaning that is powerfully charged by emotions. One of these is the word psychic. A psychic is one who sees or senses things outside the range of our everyday human senses. 


Most people recognize the word psychic. Yet many have shared with me that they are not comfortable with the word “psychic’ because it carries a certain stigma. You may recall tales of psychic and intuitive people being executed, burned at the stake, or, in modern times, ridiculed and ostracized. And indeed, today, that word does not carry the gravitas of reality. In more recent times, it became more acceptable to use the word “intuition”. But this word alone doesn’t completely undo the negative connotations of times past and sometimes still carries a “cheap” feeling to it.


So, as I pondered the best way to describe my passion for the word intuition, I realized that I couldn’t resonate with either of these words as they had lost the importance and sacredness that they deserve. Just think about it – intuition is a sense like our other senses. It is a gift that we have all been born with. And unfortunately, this gift from God has been under a big cloud of misconception for hundreds of years. A consequential result of this misconception is a devolution of our intuitive sense which is as important to us as our digestive system and essential to our ability to function wholly. 


When I worked with a medical doctor in Southwest Florida as a medical intuitive, we both felt that it was time to bring intuition to another level. And that is where the words Intuology and Intuologist were born. The terms arose from a deep desire and need to educate and guide people in the direction of their own intuition and the essential gift of self-empowerment that it holds for their survival. In my life and work, intuition becomes imbued with a newfound importance and respect. It is part of our daily life and existence and should be treated as such. 


That is why it deserves to be properly recognized as a legitimate area of study and practice, just like psychology, immunology, or archeology. 


As Albert Einstein once remarked: 


“ The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”


With Love,

Lenka Schulze, Ph.D.

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